demolition of buildings

Demolition is the process of breaking down or destroying an existing building. Generally, a building stays strong for about almost 100 years after which it requires a lot of maintenance sometimes the building gets to a very bad shape where it can even collapse leading to a serious outcome. So when it is time to replace the building it is demolished.

Different methods of demolition

  • Interior Demolition: The destruction of parts of the buildings like walls, ceilings, and floors is Interior Demolition.
  • Selective Demolition: Selective Demolition is when only a few parts of the building are destroyed instead of the whole building.
  • Dismantling Demolition: When one or more parts of the building are removed without any damage to the other parts of the building it is Dismantling Demolition.
  • Mechanical Demolition: When machines are used to demolish a building it is known as Mechanical Demolition.
  • Implosive Demolition: Tearing down an entire building using explosives is Implosive Demolition.
  • Crane and Wrecking Ball Demolition: Destroying a building using the heavy steel ball known as the wrecking ball in a crane is Crane and Wrecking Ball Demolition.

Reasons for demolition

One of the main reasons for demolition is to replace the old building with a new building. Sometimes due to humidity and moisture mildew grows on the walls and wood of a building which cannot be resolved by cleansing or repainting such kinds of buildings are demolished and rebuilt. When the owner of a building wants to remodel the existing building, it is pulled down to construct a new one. At times buildings are demolished to make space like a plane ground to use for other purposes.

Merits in the Demolition of Buildings

Demolition of an old or worn-out building prevents the building from collapsing which saves the life of the people occupying the building. A reconstructed building will have a longer lifespan because of the advanced technological methods used to construct the building. The market value of the newly constructed property will increase drastically. The newly constructed buildings come with the facility of more comfort and eco-friendly nature too.

Demerits in the Demolition of Buildings

Demolition pollutes the air with dust which can cause serious diseases to people in the surrounding area. The loud noise while demolition is another definite negativity. A lot of smoke is caused which without a doubt affects the breathing issues of people. The pungent odor that arises during destruction is another demerit of the demolition of buildings.

Menace and Solutions in the Demolition of Buildings

The dangers during the demolition of a building can be serious if it is not done carefully. Before starting the process of demolition everyone in the building should be evacuated. Then a thorough checking should be done throughout the building so that no one remains in the building by mistake. Failing to do so, someone can be stuck in the building unknowingly and get hurt or even something worse could happen. So it is an absolute necessity to double-check the building before demolition. It should be made sure that the machinery used for demolition is in perfect condition to avoid accidents.

If any unhealthy people reside near the building that is to be demolished then they should either stay away until the process is over or they should take precautions for safety since the loud noise, dust, and smoke can add up to the illness. Trained professionals should be in charge of the operation so that everything can go smoothly in the process without any mishaps. First aid assistance should be always on alert near the premises to be demolished to rush to help if anyone gets hurt even after being very cautious and despite all the safety measures.

Complete planning about the process, the method to be used in demolition, the members to be involved in the process, the precautions taken to prevent people living in the surrounding locality, evacuating the people from the building, removing fragile objects from the building before demolition, and making aware of the risks while demolition should all be done well in advance to prevent accidents from happening.

Team Effort in the Demolition of Buildings

The construction industry involves many people working on different tasks as a team to complete the project. Similarly, while the building is demolished many people should work together as a team so that the job is done without any mess. To demolish a building manually we need people who can work hard by breaking them down using tools like jackhammers, sledgehammers, and pickaxes. When demolishing a building using machines we need people who can operate cranes and bulldozers.

On the other hand, when a building is demolished using explosives we need people who are well-versed in handling explosives like nitroglycerin, dynamite, and other such blasters. Once the building is destroyed then the waste should be separated from the reusable materials. Then finally the waste should be discarded. All this can never be done single-handedly, it requires good communication among a group of people experienced in the work.

Modernization Due to the Demolition of Buildings

Demolishing a building and then reconstructing a new building with qualities like solar panels, green rooftops, rainwater harvest, water recycling process, self-healing concrete, and electrochromic windows enhance both the efficiency and the beauty of the building. In cities, many old buildings are being demolished and new buildings are being built which give the cities a beautiful modern look. People love the view of the modern world with easily accessible facilities of comfort in every area of life.

Smart work is more appreciated than hard work so people have gotten accustomed to relying on modern technology and its coziness instead of the old methods which require a lot of effort. The same attitude applies to buildings also. People prefer new smart buildings instead of old buildings, may it be for profession or to reside in. So demolition is useful for those who are looking to renovate or reconstruct their building.
